General info
On a scale of I - V this arrangement is level III: Average
Voices: SSAA
Performed by Salvador Sobral
Arranged by Carol Canning
All practice mp3 files are supplied with every arrangement
After payment is received, PDF and MP3 files will be sent to your e-mail address at once !
What do I receive after my purchase?
- MP3: Practice MP3's of all separate voices (MIDI sounds, not vocal)
- All material is put together with the utmost care and is ready for use
A: ooB:
Se um dia alguém perguntar por mim
(sjum diju algem per guntar por mim)
Diz que vivi p’ra te amar
(Disj ke vi vi pra tja mar)
Antes de ti, só existi
(Antesj de ti soj eesj isj ti)
Cansado e sem nada p’ra dar
(Cansa dwi sem nada pra dar)
Meu bem, ouve as minhas preces
(Miw be moo vjasj mi njasj pre sesj)
Peço que regresses, que me voltes a querer
(Peso ku gè gres sos kumme vol tes a gri rer)
Eu sei que não se ama sozinho
(Eew saj kè now sia ma so zin jo)
Talves devagarinho possas voltar a aprender
(Tal visj de vaj gè in jo pos sasj vol tar a pren der)
E: = C:
Se o teu coração não quiser ceder
(Su tew koo ra sauw now ki zer se der)
Não sentir paixão, não quiser sofrer
(Now sen tor pai sjaw Now ki zer so freer)
Sem fazer planos do que virá depois
(Saim fa zer pla nosj do ke vi ra de poisj)
O meu coração pode amar pelos dois
(O miw koo ra sauw po dja mar pe loosj doi)
A: oo
If someday someone should ask who I was,
Tell them I lived to love you
Say that I lived only for you
So tired and with nothing to give
Darling won’t you even listen
Please come back, love me, just love me once again
I know that love can not be lonely
So maybe you’ll remember how to love me once again.
If your heart can’t bear to give in,
From fear of the pain of the passion we shared
Try not to worry of what will come one day
My heart can love for the both of us, both of us.
BE HONEST when choosing the amount of choir members! All prices incl. VAT apply to the standard PDF + MP3 package. The total price is based on the maximum group size.Amar pelos Dois
Salvador Sobral
- in your mailbox within 1 minute
- customer rating of 9.6 / 10
- 100% legal
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$ 35.-
In addition to the standard package (PDF and practice MP3 files with MIDI sounds) for €35,- you can order the VocalTrack package. All individual voices have been sung by our professionals.. Very helpful in learning your choir/acappella parts!
General info
On a scale of I - V this arrangement is level III: Average
Voices: SSAA
Performed by Salvador Sobral
Arranged by Carol Canning
All practice mp3 files are supplied with every arrangement
After payment is received, PDF and MP3 files will be sent to your e-mail address at once !
What do I receive after my purchase?
- MP3: Practice MP3's of all separate voices (MIDI sounds, not vocal)
- All material is put together with the utmost care and is ready for use
A: ooB:
Se um dia alguém perguntar por mim
(sjum diju algem per guntar por mim)
Diz que vivi p’ra te amar
(Disj ke vi vi pra tja mar)
Antes de ti, só existi
(Antesj de ti soj eesj isj ti)
Cansado e sem nada p’ra dar
(Cansa dwi sem nada pra dar)
Meu bem, ouve as minhas preces
(Miw be moo vjasj mi njasj pre sesj)
Peço que regresses, que me voltes a querer
(Peso ku gè gres sos kumme vol tes a gri rer)
Eu sei que não se ama sozinho
(Eew saj kè now sia ma so zin jo)
Talves devagarinho possas voltar a aprender
(Tal visj de vaj gè in jo pos sasj vol tar a pren der)
E: = C:
Se o teu coração não quiser ceder
(Su tew koo ra sauw now ki zer se der)
Não sentir paixão, não quiser sofrer
(Now sen tor pai sjaw Now ki zer so freer)
Sem fazer planos do que virá depois
(Saim fa zer pla nosj do ke vi ra de poisj)
O meu coração pode amar pelos dois
(O miw koo ra sauw po dja mar pe loosj doi)
A: oo
If someday someone should ask who I was,
Tell them I lived to love you
Say that I lived only for you
So tired and with nothing to give
Darling won’t you even listen
Please come back, love me, just love me once again
I know that love can not be lonely
So maybe you’ll remember how to love me once again.
If your heart can’t bear to give in,
From fear of the pain of the passion we shared
Try not to worry of what will come one day
My heart can love for the both of us, both of us.