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Splitting a PDF file for your choir members or musicians

You have just received a PDF package and saved it to your PC or other device.
How do you divide sheet music into separate PDF files?

Follow these simple steps to split your PDF sheet music file into separate pages:

Step 1: Open the PDF in your browser ·      
Use one of the following browsers: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Mozilla Firefox. ·      
Do you have a Mac? You can also use the Preview app.

Step 2: Open the print window ·      
Click the printer icon or press Ctrl + P (Windows) or Cmd + P (Mac).

Step 3: Choose the option to print to PDF ·      
Select “Save as PDF” from the printer settings.

Step 4: Select the page(s) you want to save ·      
Under “Pages” or “Range”, choose the page(s) that you want to save separately. ·      
For example, if you want to save page 1, select only page 1.

Step 5: Save the new PDF file ·      
Click Save and choose a location on your computer to save the file.
Repeat if necessary ·      

Repeat these steps for each page you want to save separately.